Urgent Humanitarian Appeal:

Assisting Afghan Returnee Refugees from Pakistan

The world faces an urgent humanitarian crisis, with approximately 225,000 Afghan returnee refugees who have come back from Pakistan desperately in need of assistance. These resilient individuals have endured hardships beyond imagination, now residing under the open sky, exposed to harsh conditions. They lack shelter, access to clean water, sanitation facilities, healthcare, and face a severe food crisis. This is an earnest plea to international organizations, the private sector, and compassionate individuals to unite and provide essential aid to these vulnerable populations.

Our Vision

Empowerment Network for Underserved Communities (ENUC)

Our vision at Empowerment Network for Underserved Communities (ENUC) is to create a world where individuals from marginalized communities are empowered, valued, and have equal opportunities for growth and development. We envision a society that embraces diversity, fosters inclusivity, and ensures the rights and well-being of all its members. have endured hardships beyond imagination, now residing under the open sky, exposed to harsh conditions. They lack shelter, access to clean water, sanitation facilities, healthcare, and face a severe food crisis. This is an earnest plea to international organizations, the private sector, and compassionate individuals to unite and provide essential aid to these vulnerable populations.

Our Mission

We focus on empowering individuals with Down syndrome

We focus on empowering individuals with Down syndrome, visual impairments, mobility impairments, orphans, widows, and those facing food insecurity to reach their full potential. Through our programs and initiatives, we strive to provide them with necessary tools, resources, and support to lead independent and meaningful lives. the private sector, and compassionate individuals to unite and provide essential aid to these vulnerable populations.

Together, we can make a meaningful
difference in the lives of those who have already endured immense hardship. 



We envision a society that embraces diversity, fosters inclusivity, and ensures the rights and well-being of all its members.